The outing had to be drivable from Lakewood and Monsey, and had to be something that was not done the previous days by any of the 5 families joining. We all gave our suggestions. Every idea was researched and Google mapped from each of our different starting locations. In the end, most attractions were not driveable for some of us, were not appropriate for all the children’s ages, or were too costly. It just took so much time, and we didn’t really come up with anything that worked for everyone.
We set out to create a website that would solve these issues for all families. We’ve compiled a list of popular family-friendly outings that are perfect for Chol Hamoed, summertime, vacation, or anytime. All of the locations are drivable from the NY area. We’ve done some research and categorized each attraction, labeled the activities, the appropriate ages, and the cost, as well as the contact info and website. You can filter and sort by any of the criteria, as well as search for locations that are close to both you and your family members that are joining. And getting directions from your home is just one click away.
We also feature exclusive savings for attractions.
We hope you find Trippo Hippo informative and easy to use. Please let us know if you see any misinformation or anything needs to be updated- or just send us your comments and suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.
The Trippo Team